
2021-01-28 02:04:00 -0500
map('als', '<Alt-s>');
map('uql', ';ql');
map('qp', '.');
map('qm', '?');
map('ali', '<Alt-i>');
map('ufs', ';fs');
map('um', ';m');
map('udi', ';di');
map('xc', 'C');
map('cth', '<Ctrl-h>');
map('ctj', '<Ctrl-j>');
map('xi', 'I');
map('xo', 'O');
map('cti', '<Ctrl-i>');
map('kk', '[[');
map('ss', ']]');
map('wg', '0');
map('cxs', 'cS');
map('xg', 'G');
map('z', '$');
map('wf', '%');
map('uw', ';w');
map('gtb', 'g0');
map('gz', 'g$');
map('gxv', 'gx0');
map('gxt', 'gxt');
map('gxzt', 'gxT');
map('gxz', 'gx$');
map('xe', 'E');
map('xr', 'R');
map('xt', 'T');
map('alp', '<Alt-p>');
map('alm', '<Alt-m>');
map('on', 'on');
map('xx', 'X');
map('xw', 'W');
map('aa', '<<');
map('ll', '>>');
map('gqm', 'g?');
map('gw', 'g');
map('uu', ';u');
map('uxu', ';U');
map('xb', 'B');
map('xf', 'F');
map('cty', '<Ctrl-6>');
map('xs', 'S');
map('xd', 'D');
map('zxz', 'Z');
map('zxr', 'Z');
map('yxg', 'yG');
map('yxs', 'yS');
map('ymc', 'ym');
map('yxq', 'yQ');
map('upj', ';pj');
map('upf', ';pf');
map('upp', ';pp');
map('xh', 'H');
map('xq', 'Q');
map('em', ':');
map('ctd', '<Ctrl-d>');
map('cti', '<Ctrl-i>');
map('ctj', '<Ctrl-j>');
map('ctw', '<Ctrl-.>');
map('cta', '<Ctrl-,>');
map('ctc', '<Ctrl-c>');
map('cte', '<Ctrl-e>');
map('ctxd', '<Ctrl-D>');
map('ctr', '<Ctrl-r>');
map('esc', '<Esc>');
map('ctm', '<Ctrl-m>');
map('tab', '<Tab>');
map('stab', '<Shift-Tab>');
map('ctq', '<Ctrl-\'>');
map('arrd', '<ArrowDown>');
map('arru', '<ArrowUp>');
map('ctn', '<Ctrl-n>');
map('ctp', '<Ctrl-p>');
map('bb', '/');
map('xn', 'N');
map('zv', 'zv');
map('xv', 'V');
map('dd', '*');
map('we', '0');
map('wa', ')');
map('wb', '(');
map('wc', '}');
map('wd', '{');
map('z', '$');
map('xg', 'G');
map('dd', '*');
map('ent', '<Enter>');
map('sent', '<Shift-Enter>');
map('xf', 'F');
map('u', ';');
map('ctb', ',');
map('xv', 'V');
map('ctu', '<Ctrl-u>');
map('ctd', '<Ctrl-d>');
map('qq', '\'');
map('ctq', '<Ctrl-\'>');
map('upm', ';pm');
map('ue', ';e');
map('cad', '<Ctrl-Alt-d>');
map('ui', ';i');
map('uj', ';j');
map('ucp', ';cp');
map('uap', ';ap');
map('upa', ';pa');
map('upb', ';pb');
map('upd', ';pd');
map('ups', ';ps');
map('upc', ';pc');
map('us', ';s');
map('udh', ';dh');
map('udb', ';db');
map('ut', ';t');
map('cte', '<Ctrl-e>');
map('ctf', '<Ctrl-f>');
map('ctu', '<Ctrl-u>');
map('alb', '<Alt-b>');
map('alf', '<Alt-f>');
map('alw', '<Alt-w>');
map('ald', '<Alt-d>');
map('esc', '<Esc>');
map('em', ':');
map('ctq', '<Ctrl-\'>');
map('cti', '<Ctrl-i>');

// an example to create a new mapping `ctrl-y`

mapkey('ao', '自動滾動III', function() {
var _ss_interval_pointer;
_ss_speed = 3;
_ss_speed_pairs = [
[0, 0],
[1, 200.0],
[1, 120.0],
[1, 72.0],
[1, 43.2],
[1, 25.9],
[2, 31.0],
[4, 37.2],
[8, 44.8],
[8, 26.4],
[16, 32.0]
_ss_last_onkeypress = document.onkeypress;
_ss_stop = function () {
_ss_start = function () {
_ss_abs_speed = Math.abs(_ss_speed);
_ss_direction = _ss_speed / _ss_abs_speed;
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_ss_quit = function () {
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document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if ((e.charCode == 113) || (e.keyCode == 27)) {
if (e.charCode >= 48 && e.charCode <= 57) _ss_speed = e.charCode - 48;
else switch (e.charCode) {
case 95:
case 45:
case 43:
case 61:

mapkey('au', 'YouTube下載', function() {
var configs = {
facebook: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*facebook\.com\/',
go: ''
youtube: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*youtube\.com\/',
go: 'y2'
dailymotion: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*dailymotion\.com\/video\/',
go: 'dailymotion'
vimeo: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*vimeo\.com\/',
go: 'vimeo'
twitter: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*twitter\.com\/',
go: 'twitter'
instagram: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*instagram\.com\/p\/',
go: 'instagram'
tumblr: {
r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*tumblr\.com\/',
go: 'tumblr'
for (var i in configs) {
var patt = new RegExp(configs[i].r);
var current = window.location;
if (patt.test(current)) {'' + configs[i].go + '#' + current);

mapkey('ab', '彈出軟鍵盤', function() {{var st;st=document.createElement('script');st.charset='utf-8';st.src='';document.body.appendChild(st);}});
mapkey('ay', '今年还剩多久', function() {tdy6Nb5=new Date();w2RtxZ=tdy6Nb5.getYear();tG82Nu=(w2RtxZ<2000)?w2RtxZ+1900:w2RtxZ;YbU7v3w='December 31,'+tG82Nu;var eY2FH9t=new Date(YbU7v3w);alert('Number of days left this year: '+Math.round((eY2FH9t.getTime()-tdy6Nb5.getTime())/86400000))});

mapkey('ap', '自动滚屏', function () {
var _ss_interval_pointer;
_ss_speed = prompt("SPEED");
_ss_speed_pairs = [
[0, 0],
[1, 200.0],
[1, 120.0],
[1, 72.0],
[1, 43.2],
[1, 25.9],
[2, 31.0],
[4, 37.2],
[8, 44.8],
[8, 26.4],
[16, 32.0]
_ss_last_onkeypress = document.onkeypress;
_ss_stop = function () {
_ss_start = function () {
_ss_abs_speed = Math.abs(_ss_speed);
_ss_direction = _ss_speed / _ss_abs_speed;
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_ss_adj = function (q) {
_ss_speed += q;
if (Math.abs(_ss_speed) >= _ss_speed_pairs.length) _ss_speed = (_ss_speed_pairs.length - 1) * (_ss_speed / Math.abs(_ss_speed))
_ss_quit = function () {
document.onkeypress = _ss_last_onkeypress;
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if ((e.charCode == 113) || (e.keyCode == 27)) {
if (e.charCode >= 48 && e.charCode <= 57) _ss_speed = e.charCode - 48;
else switch (e.charCode) {
case 95:
case 45:
case 43:
case 61:

mapkey('as', '垂直分屏', function () {
(function (w, d) { var href = location.href; var website = w.prompt('请输入网址', 'http://') || href; d.write('<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><FRAMESET COLS=\'50%,*\'><FRAME SRC=', location.href, '><FRAME SRC=', website, '></FRAMESET></HTML>'); })(window, document);

mapkey('av', '水平分屏', function () {
(function (w, d) { var href = location.href; var website = w.prompt('请输入网址', 'http://') || href; d.write('<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><FRAMESET ROWS=\'50%,*\'><FRAME SRC=', location.href, '><FRAME SRC=', website, '></FRAMESET></HTML>'); })(window, document);

mapkey('ar', '自动刷新📍', function () {
(function (p) { open('', '', p).document.write('<body id=1><nobr id=2></nobr><hr><nobr id=3></nobr><hr><a href="#"onclick="return!(c=t)">Force</a><script>function i(n){return d.getElementById(n)}function z(){c =0.2;if(c>=t){c=0;e.location=u;r }x()}function x(){s=t-Math.floor(c);m=Math.floor(s/60);s-=m*60;i(1).style.backgroundColor=(r==0||c/t>2/3?"fcc":c/t<1/3?"cfc":"ffc");i(2).innerHTML="Reloads: " r;i(3).innerHTML="Time: " m ":" (s<10?"0" s:s)}c=r=0;d=document;;u=prompt("URL",e.location.href);t=u?prompt("Seconds",60):0;setInterval("z()",200);if(!t){window.close()}</script></body>'); })('status=0,scrollbars=0,width=100,height=115,left=1,top=1');

mapkey('az', '全屏', function () {
var element = document.documentElement;
if (element.requestFullscreen) {
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mapkey('ax', '取消全屏', function () {
var el = document
var cfs = el.cancelFullScreen || el.mozCancelFullScreen || el.msExitFullscreen || el.webkitExitFullscreen ||
if (cfs) {;
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mapkey('ad', '编辑当前页面', function () { javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 });

mapkey('ai', '文本编辑器', function () { <View>data:text/html,<title>Text Editor</title><html contenteditable style="font-size:16px;line-height:26px;white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;width:75%;margin:20px auto;"></html></View> });

mapkey('aj', '查看JS变量与函数', function () { javascript: (function () { var x, d, i, v, st; x = open(); d = x.document;; function hE(s) { s = s.replace(/&/g, "&"); s = s.replace(/>/g, ">"); s = s.replace(/</g, "<"); return s; } d.write("<style>td{vertical-align:top; white-space:pre; } table,td,th { border: 1px solid #ccc; } { color:red }</style><table border=1><thead><tr><th>Variable</th><th>Type</th><th>Value as string</th></tr></thead>"); for (i in window) { if (!(i in x)) { v = window[i]; d.write("<tr><td>" + hE(i) + "</td><td>" + hE(typeof (window[i])) + "</td><td>"); if (v === null) d.write("null"); else if (v === undefined) d.write("undefined"); else try { st = v.toString(); if (st.length) d.write(hE(v.toString())); else d.write(" ") } catch (er) { d.write("<div class=er>" + hE(er.toString()) + "</div>") }; d.write("</pre></td></tr>"); } } d.write("</table>"); d.close(); })(); });

mapkey('ajs', '简单记事本', function () { data: text / html, <html contenteditable></html> });

addSearchAliasX('as', 'AppleStore', '');
addSearchAliasX('ac', 'AcFun', '');
addSearchAliasX('az', 'Amazon', '');

addSearchAliasX('b', '博客园', '');
addSearchAliasX('db', '豆瓣', '');
addSearchAliasX('bd', '百度', '');
addSearchAliasX('bl', '哔哩哔哩', '');
addSearchAliasX('bz', '哔哩哔哩直播', '');
addSearchAliasX('bt', 'bt4g', '');
addSearchAliasX('bi', 'BTDigg', '');

addSearchAliasX('c', 'Cppreference', '');
addSearchAliasX('cb', 'Cambridge', '');
addSearchAliasX('ci', '词林', '');
addSearchAliasX('cl', 'Linux_Commend_Line', '!kw=');
addSearchAliasX('co', 'Coursade', '');
addSearchAliasX('cn', 'Cppreference_en', '');
addSearchAliasX('ch', 'ChromeStore', '');
addSearchAliasX('cu', 'Can-l-use', '');
addSearchAliasX('cs', 'CSDN', '');

addSearchAliasX('d', 'DuckDuckGo', '');

addSearchAliasX('e', 'OnlineEtymologyDictionary', '');
addSearchAliasX('ej', 'emojipedia', '');

addSearchAliasX('f', '饭否', '');
addSearchAliasX('fi', 'finelybook', '');
addSearchAliasX('fl', '枫林', '');
addSearchAliasX('fm', '广播电视', '');
addSearchAliasX('fl', '91flac', '');

addSearchAliasX('g', 'Google', '');
addSearchAliasX('gb', 'GitHub', '');
addSearchAliasX('gf', 'GreasyFork', '');
addSearchAliasX('gi', 'Google_Image', '');
addSearchAliasX('gm', 'Google_Map', '');
addSearchAliasX('gp', 'Google_Play', '');
addSearchAliasX('gt', 'Google_Translate', '');
addSearchAliasX('gu', 'Guru', '');

addSearchAliasX('h', '汉典', '');

addSearchAliasX('lj', '黑龙江省图书馆', '');

addSearchAliasX('i', 'IMDb', '');

addSearchAliasX('jz', '就诊问问', '');
addSearchAliasX('jt', '简答题', '');
addSearchAliasX('jj', '京剧剧考', '');

addSearchAliasX('mp', '无损音乐', '');

addSearchAliasX('l', 'Linux命令行', '!kw=');
addSearchAliasX('lk', 'I_am_feeling_lucky', '');
addSearchAliasX('lt', '龙腾', '');
addSearchAliasX('lg', 'Library_Genesis', '');
addSearchAliasX('lv', 'lvv2', '');

addSearchAliasX('m', 'MDN', '');
addSearchAliasX('mm', 'MyMemory', '');
addSearchAliasX('mn', '萌娘百科', '');
addSearchAliasX('mw', 'Merriam-Webste', '');
addSearchAliasX('mv', '170mv', '');

addSearchAliasX('pd', '盘多多', '');
addSearchAliasX('pm', '盘么么', '');
addSearchAliasX('pp', '胖次盘', '');
addSearchAliasX('pl', '大力盘', '');
addSearchAliasX('pw', '微盘搜', '');
addSearchAliasX('ph', '好资源PDF', '');

addSearchAliasX('qg', '全国图书馆参考联盟', '');
addSearchAliasX('qd', '前端搜索', '');
addSearchAliasX('qw', 'Qwant', '');

addSearchAliasX('rf', '如风搜', '');

addSearchAliasX('s', 'StackOverflow', '');
addSearchAliasX('sf', 'Segment_Fault', '');
addSearchAliasX('sw', 'SetAsWall', '');
addSearchAliasX('sb', '书伴', '');
addSearchAliasX('sc', '诗词', '');
addSearchAliasX('ss', '搜磁力', '');
addSearchAliasX('sr', 'Sunset_Sundown', '');

addSearchAliasX('t', '淘宝', '');
addSearchAliasX('th', 'ThinBug', '');
addSearchAliasX('tg', '图八哥', '');
addSearchAliasX('tj', '田间小站', '');
addSearchAliasX('ts', '特殊字符', '');
addSearchAliasX('tk', 'Torrent_Kitty', '');
addSearchAliasX('tv', 'Twitter_Video_Downloader', '');
addSearchAliasX('tw', 'Twitter', '');

addSearchAliasX('v', 'V2ex', '');
addSearchAliasX('vc', 'VeryCD', '');
addSearchAliasX('vf', 'VideoFK', '');

addSearchAliasX('w','Wikipedia', '');
addSearchAliasX('wb', '微博', '');
addSearchAliasX('wd', 'Wikiwand', '');
addSearchAliasX('wm', 'WayBackMachine', '');
addSearchAliasX('ww', '维基词典', '');
addSearchAliasX('wq', '万千合集', '');
addSearchAliasX('wn', '网易云音乐', '');

addSearchAliasX('u', 'YouTube', '');
addSearchAliasX('us', 'Youtube_字幕下載器', '');

addSearchAliasX('y', 'Yandex', '');
addSearchAliasX('yt', '音悦台', '');
addSearchAliasX('yv', '音乐语音', '');
addSearchAliasX('yg', '优词词根', '');
addSearchAliasX('yy', '优词词源', '');

addSearchAliasX('z', '中关村在线', '');
addSearchAliasX('zh', '知乎', '');
addSearchAliasX('zr', '众人搜索', '');
addSearchAliasX('zw', '专业外语', '');
addSearchAliasX('zy', '多抓鱼', '');

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// click `Save` button to make above settings to take effect.
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