
2021-02-19 06:28:10 -0500
// an example to create a new mapping `ctrl-y`

mapkey('aky', '关键词密度查询', function () {
var T={},W=[],C=0,s,i;
function F(n){
var i,x,a,w,t=n.tagName;
for(i in a)if(w=a[i]){w=" "+w;T[w]=T[w]?T[w]+1:1;++C;}}if(t!="SCRIPT"&&t!="STYLE")for(i=0;x=n.childNodes[i];++i)F(x)}F(document);for(i in T)W.push([T[i],i]);W.sort(function(a,b){var x=b[0]-a[0];return x?x:((b[1]<a[1])?1:-1)}); s="<h3>"+C+" words</h3>";for(i in W)s+=W[i][0]+":"+W[i][1]+"<br>";with(open().document){write(s);close()}})()

mapkey('auy', 'YouTube下載', function () {var configs={facebook:{r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*facebook\.com\/',go:''},youtube:{r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*youtube\.com\/',go:'y2'},dailymotion:{r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*dailymotion\.com\/video\/',go:'dailymotion'},vimeo: {r: 'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*vimeo\.com\/',go:'vimeo'},twitter: {r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*twitter\.com\/',go:'twitter'},instagram: {r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*instagram\.com\/p\/',go:'instagram'},tumblr: {r:'https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z\.]*tumblr\.com\/',go:'tumblr'}};for(var i in configs){var patt=new RegExp(configs[i].r);var current=window.location;if(patt.test(current)){''+configs[i].go+'#'+current);return}}alert('不接受此下載來源!')});

mapkey('aub', '彈出軟鍵盤', function () {var st; st = document.createElement('script'); st.charset = 'utf-8'; st.src = ''; document.body.appendChild(st);});

mapkey('ahl', '高亮关键词', function () {
var count=0, text, dv;text=prompt ( "请输入高亮关键词:", "" ) ;if ( text==null || text.length==0 ) return;dv=document.defaultView;function searchWithinNode ( node, te, len ){ var pos, skip, spannode, middlebit, endbit, middleclone;skip=0;if ( node.nodeType==3 ){ () .indexOf ( te ) ;if ( pos>=0 ){ spannode=document.createElement ( "SPAN" ) ;"yellow";middlebit=node.splitText ( pos ) ;endbit=middlebit.splitText ( len ) ;middleclone=middlebit.cloneNode ( true ) ;spannode.appendChild ( middleclone ) ;middlebit.parentNode.replaceChild ( spannode,middlebit ) ;++count;skip=1; }} else if ( node.nodeType==1&& node.childNodes && node.tagName.toUpperCase () !="SCRIPT" && node.tagName.toUpperCase!="STYLE" ){ for ( var child=0; child < node.childNodes.length; ++child ){ child=child+searchWithinNode ( node.childNodes[child], te, len ) ; }} return skip; } window.status="Searching for '"+text+"'...";searchWithinNode ( document.body, text.toUpperCase () , text.length ) ;window.status="Found "+count+" occurrence"+ ( count==1?"":"s" ) +" of '"+text+"'.";
}) ;

mapkey('aeb', '网页地址数字减一', function () {
window.location.href=window.location.href.replace( /(\d+)([^\d]*)$/, function(t,a,b){return +a-1+b;} );void(0)

mapkey('aep', '网页地址数字加一', function () {
window.location.href=window.location.href.replace( /(\d+)([^\d]*)$/, function(t,a,b){return +a+1+b;} );void(0)

mapkey('aej', '编辑当前页面',function () {document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0;});

mapkey('ayl', '今年还剩多久', function () {tdy6Nb5 = new Date(); w3RtxZ = tdy6Nb5.getYear(); tG82Nu = (w2RtxZ < 2000) ? w2RtxZ + 1900 : w2RtxZ; YbU7v3w = 'December 31,' + tG82Nu; var eY2FH9t = new Date(YbU7v3w); alert('Number of days left this year: ' + Math.round((eY2FH9t.getTime() - tdy6Nb5.getTime()) / 86400000))});

mapkey('agc', '自動滾動叁', function () {
var _ss_interval_pointer;
_ss_speed = 3;
_ss_speed_pairs = [
[0, 0],
[1, 200.0],
[1, 120.0],
[1, 72.0],
[1, 43.2],
[1, 25.9],
[2, 31.0],
[4, 37.2],
[9, 44.8],
[8, 26.4],
[16, 32.0]
_ss_last_onkeypress = document.onkeypress;
_ss_stop = function () {
_ss_start = function () {
_ss_abs_speed = Math.abs(_ss_speed);
_ss_direction = _ss_speed / _ss_abs_speed;
_ss_speed_pair = _ss_speed_pairs[_ss_abs_speed];
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_ss_speed += q;
if (Math.abs(_ss_speed) >= _ss_speed_pairs.length) _ss_speed = (_ss_speed_pairs.length - 1) * (_ss_speed / Math.abs(_ss_speed))
_ss_quit = function () {
document.onkeypress = _ss_last_onkeypress;
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if ((e.charCode == 113) || (e.keyCode == 27)) {
if (e.charCode >= 48 && e.charCode <= 57) _ss_speed = e.charCode - 48;
else switch (e.charCode) {
case 95:
case 45:
case 43:
case 61:

mapkey('agx', '自动滚屏', function () {
var _ss_interval_pointer;
_ss_speed = prompt("SPEED");
_ss_speed_pairs = [
[0, 0],
[1, 200.0],
[1, 120.0],
[1, 72.0],
[1, 43.2],
[1, 25.9],
[2, 31.0],
[4, 37.2],
[8, 44.8],
[8, 26.4],
[16, 32.0]
_ss_last_onkeypress = document.onkeypress;
_ss_stop = function () {
_ss_start = function () {
_ss_abs_speed = Math.abs(_ss_speed);
_ss_direction = _ss_speed / _ss_abs_speed;
_ss_speed_pair = _ss_speed_pairs[_ss_abs_speed];
_ss_interval_pointer = setInterval('scrollBy(0,' + _ss_direction * _ss_speed_pair[0] + '); if((pageYOffset<=1)||(pageYOffset==document.height-innerHeight)) _ss_speed=0;', _ss_speed_pair[1]);
_ss_adj = function (q) {
_ss_speed += q;
if (Math.abs(_ss_speed) >= _ss_speed_pairs.length) _ss_speed = (_ss_speed_pairs.length - 1) * (_ss_speed / Math.abs(_ss_speed))
_ss_quit = function () {
document.onkeypress = _ss_last_onkeypress;
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
if ((e.charCode == 113) || (e.keyCode == 27)) {
if (e.charCode >= 48 && e.charCode <= 57) _ss_speed = e.charCode - 48;
else switch (e.charCode) {
case 95:
case 45:
case 43:
case 61:

addSearchAliasX('as', 'AppleStore', '');
addSearchAliasX('ac', 'AcFun', '');
addSearchAliasX('az', 'Amazon', '');

addSearchAliasX('b', '博客园', '');
addSearchAliasX('db', '豆瓣', '');
addSearchAliasX('bd', '百度', '');
addSearchAliasX('bl', '哔哩哔哩', '');
addSearchAliasX('bz', '哔哩哔哩直播', '');
addSearchAliasX('bt', 'bt4g', '');
addSearchAliasX('bi', 'BTDigg', '');

addSearchAliasX('c', 'Cppreference', '');
addSearchAliasX('cb', 'Cambridge', '');
addSearchAliasX('ci', '词林', '');
addSearchAliasX('cl', 'Linux_Commend_Line', '!kw=');
addSearchAliasX('co', 'Coursade', '');
addSearchAliasX('cn', 'Cppreference_en', '');
addSearchAliasX('ch', 'ChromeStore', '');
addSearchAliasX('cu', 'Can-l-use', '');
addSearchAliasX('cs', 'CSDN', '');

addSearchAliasX('d', 'DuckDuckGo', '');

addSearchAliasX('e', 'OnlineEtymologyDictionary', '');
addSearchAliasX('ej', 'emojipedia', '');

addSearchAliasX('f', '饭否', '');
addSearchAliasX('fi', 'finelybook', '');
addSearchAliasX('fl', '枫林', '');
addSearchAliasX('fm', '广播电视', '');
addSearchAliasX('fl', '91flac', '');

addSearchAliasX('g', 'Google', '');
addSearchAliasX('gb', 'GitHub', '');
addSearchAliasX('gf', 'GreasyFork', '');
addSearchAliasX('gi', 'Google_Image', '');
addSearchAliasX('gm', 'Google_Map', '');
addSearchAliasX('gp', 'Google_Play', '');
addSearchAliasX('gt', 'Google_Translate', '');
addSearchAliasX('gu', 'Guru', '');

addSearchAliasX('h', '汉典', '');

addSearchAliasX('lj', '黑龙江省图书馆', '');

addSearchAliasX('i', 'IMDb', '');

addSearchAliasX('jz', '就诊问问', '');
addSearchAliasX('jt', '简答题', '');
addSearchAliasX('jj', '京剧剧考', '');

addSearchAliasX('mp', '无损音乐', '');

addSearchAliasX('l', 'Linux命令行', '!kw=');
addSearchAliasX('lk', 'I_am_feeling_lucky', '');
addSearchAliasX('lt', '龙腾', '');
addSearchAliasX('lg', 'Library_Genesis', '');
addSearchAliasX('lv', 'lvv2', '');

addSearchAliasX('m', 'MDN', '');
addSearchAliasX('mm', 'MyMemory', '');
addSearchAliasX('mn', '萌娘百科', '');
addSearchAliasX('mw', 'Merriam-Webste', '');
addSearchAliasX('mv', '170mv', '');

addSearchAliasX('pd', '盘多多', '');
addSearchAliasX('pm', '盘么么', '');
addSearchAliasX('pp', '胖次盘', '');
addSearchAliasX('pl', '大力盘', '');
addSearchAliasX('pw', '微盘搜', '');
addSearchAliasX('ph', '好资源PDF', '');

addSearchAliasX('qg', '全国图书馆参考联盟', '');
addSearchAliasX('qd', '前端搜索', '');
addSearchAliasX('qw', 'Qwant', '');

addSearchAliasX('r', '人人词典', '');
addSearchAliasX('rf', '如风搜', '');

addSearchAliasX('s', 'StackOverflow', '');
addSearchAliasX('sf', 'Segment_Fault', '');
addSearchAliasX('sw', 'SetAsWall', '');
addSearchAliasX('sb', '书伴', '');
addSearchAliasX('sc', '诗词', '');
addSearchAliasX('ss', '搜磁力', '');
addSearchAliasX('sr', 'Sunset_Sundown', '');

addSearchAliasX('t', '淘宝', '');
addSearchAliasX('th', 'ThinBug', '');
addSearchAliasX('tg', '图八哥', '');
addSearchAliasX('tj', '田间小站', '');
addSearchAliasX('ts', '特殊字符', '');
addSearchAliasX('tk', 'Torrent_Kitty', '');
addSearchAliasX('tv', 'Twitter_Video_Downloader', '');
addSearchAliasX('tw', 'Twitter', '');

addSearchAliasX('v', 'V2ex', '');
addSearchAliasX('vc', 'VeryCD', '');
addSearchAliasX('vf', 'VideoFK', '');

addSearchAliasX('w', 'Wikipedia', '');
addSearchAliasX('wb', '微博', '');
addSearchAliasX('wd', 'Wikiwand', '');
addSearchAliasX('wm', 'WayBackMachine', '');
addSearchAliasX('ww', '维基词典', '');
addSearchAliasX('wq', '万千合集', '');
addSearchAliasX('wn', '网易云音乐', '');

addSearchAliasX('u', 'YouTube', '');
addSearchAliasX('us', 'Youtube_字幕下載器', '');

addSearchAliasX('y', 'Yandex', '');
addSearchAliasX('yt', '音悦台', '');
addSearchAliasX('yv', '音乐语音', '');
addSearchAliasX('yg', '优词词根', '');
addSearchAliasX('yy', '优词词源', '');

addSearchAliasX('z', '中关村在线', '');
addSearchAliasX('zh', '知乎', '');
addSearchAliasX('zr', '众人搜索', '');
addSearchAliasX('zw', '专业外语', '');
addSearchAliasX('zy', '多抓鱼', '');

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// click `Save` button to make above settings to take effect.
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